Sunday, 29 September 2013

Trugill/ Labov/ Tidholm- English Dialect

The dropping of 'ing', pronounced 'ng' through the nasal, was investigated by Peter Trugill in the 70's. He examined this theory on 5 groups of society:
-lower working class
-middle working class
-upper working class
-lower middle class
-middle middle class
I predict that Trugill found that this dropping of velar nasal 'ng' was found in the dialect of mainly males in the lower working class because its suggests quicker talking and that this is a feature of accent. People in upper classes tend to be overt prestige and want to sound more standard English, whereas males in the lower working class are proud of their accents and dialect, and the sense of individuality in their society so would carry this feature.

Labov researched the 'r' pronunciation in New York dialect, investigation this theory in 3 shopping stores in the 1960's. It was considered that to have vocalization of the final 'r' was recognized as having high status. He went into Saks (expensive New York store), Macy's( (middle class store) and S. Klein's (cheapest of the 3 stores). He asked shopping assistances a question about where an item would be in the store and they would answer with a floor number. He would ask them to repeat their reply, as if he hadn't heard their response. He would then go off and record their dialect. He found that the Macy's would pronounce 'flo-ar' the most, showing that the most expensive shop, had the most overt prestige New York accent. This feature of dialect decreased as the stores got cheaper. In Macy's it was most apparent that when asked to repeat themselves, shoo assistances would use this vocalization.

Thomas Tidholm studied the definite article reduction in dialects. In particular, the Yorkshire dialect was know for this feature, e.g. t' instead of the. He found out that the older generation used this form of dialect and it was majorly men over women and was spoken by middle-class/working-class families. In 3 years time, Tidhom predicted that definite article reduction will not be part of dialect in 3 generations time.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Galaxy/The Devil Wears Prada Magazine Advert

The text implies that it is produced for adult women. This is because the context of the film that is advertised is aimed at women. 'Prada' is a well-known fashion company that women would take an interest in. The graphology also contributes to the target market. The high heel shoe, luxurious colours and background create a feminine image. The text has a dual purpose to persuade as its primary purpose and to inform as its secondary purpose. The text persuades the audience to buy the Galaxy product because there is a prize to be one. 'WIN!' is centred in the middle of the page to draw the eye in and the competition offer will make customers want to buy the product. By linking the two topics together, a joint awareness for the product is created, persuading the audience to see the film, and to buy the product. The product informs the reader by stating the date of the film release and facts about the competition. The advert is computer produced as it looks very professional and although it isn't a recent advert now, at the time it would have been because of the competition dates and the limited time promotion. The advert will be seen by magazine readers.

The text is a formal register because if the complex words used like 'indulgent' and by the appearance and purpose of the advert. Lexical fields such as 'indulgent' create an image for the product and 'devilishly' implies the product is too good to resist, as well as linking with the topic.

The text is written in the present tense to let the viewer know that the advert is promoting a current topic.

There is an implicit meaning to the text which is the target audience. The graphology and the feminine words used don't directly address the market as being females but it is an obvious relation.

The discourse structure of the text is organised as headings then smaller texts. This effects the reader because they are drawn into the larger more attractive texts which stand out and then it will encourage reading the smaller texts.

The graphology helps to reinforce the purposes of the text. The images draw the eye of the reader to persuade them to be aware of the product. The 'luxurious' fonts and smooth background effect with the prongs of the heel digging in to it, captures the context of both topics in one advert.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Church Sign Analysis

Church Sign Analysis

The sign has a dual purpose. The primary purpose is to persuade the audience, both church members and passers by, to help the church renovations. The sign does this by using big bold text that is larger then the other texts to show it is important and to stand out. The yellow reinforces this aim. The sign states that the church needs 'YOUR' help. This may effect the public and encourage them to volunteer as the sign implicates desperation. 'Please come inside to find out why and how' also encourages the viewer to take a look so achieves its purpose. The secondary purpose is to inform the public about its history so that the audience can understand the need for the persuasion. The sign was professionally made as it is computer designed and produced. The sign clearly and effectively achieves its purpose of persuading and informing. The sign is reflective on the time it was made because it 'urgently' needs help so is a recent production. The sign will be received when people travel past the church.

The sign is formal as standard form English is used. The appearance of the sign is also formal and professional. 'St Stephen's Church' links the sign to the topic.

The sign is written in the present tense as it communicating a current and recent issue. The 1st person is used to describe the topic as it creates a more emotional attachment to the public. Examples such as 'I now urgently needs you help' and 'please' are used to implicate the desperation the church is facing.

The text tis chronologically organized in stating its history, and also to inform then to persuade. The name of the church is used as a heading to clearly inform where the problem is and draw people who know the location into the sign. Altogether, the text doesn't include many headings or sub-headings as all the text is the same size.

The sign does include some politeness features such as 'please' but this is more of a desperate request instead on an ordered request.

The sign doesn't include much graphology. This will attract the target audience as mainly children will be interested in images and the church doesn't want children's help but keen adults. The main information is big, bold and yellow to stand out and draw the eye to the key features.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Text 10: Informal Letter

Audience- A customer of the business who has just bought a batch order.
Purpose- To inform the customer of what they have ordered and information about deliveries. Information about the business including contact details, and business titles.
Format/Layout- Jargon such as VAT is used to imply the business is professional. The layout is structured and correct grammar and punctuation is used. The letter is addressed to 'Mr Smith' rather then using a first name. The letter is polite and clear.

Text 9: Barack Obama Speech

Audience- American citizens who are going to vote for president. People that believe 'everyone should get a fair shot', 'do their fair share' and 'play by the same rules'.

Purpose- To persuade the audience to vote for him. He relates to the audience and repeatedly unites the nation saying 'if you share that faith with me, if you can share that hope with me', 'your voice must be heard in this need to stand up in this election', 'our path is harder...our road is longer but we travel it together'. He wants to involve the audience in the vote and make it about them, persuading them to vote and have a continuous involvement in running the country. 'I ask for your vote' and 'I need you to vote' persuades people to vote for him because it shows he can't do it on his own and he needs support.

Format- Opening/Middle/End

How is power exerted?- Barack Obama is very enthusiastic and has charisma so makes others feel that he is talking to them personally. He is clear on his choices and ideas which makes a strong and determined leader. He is very likeable which gives him authority also.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Text 8: Children's Storybook

Audience- The target audience is probably young children who are girls. The book itself is about fairies which would be appealing to this gender and age group. The text is very simple and so would be for an early ready. The text uses alliteration when describing the fairies and their movements 'fabulous fairies' and 'frantic fanning' are used to create a rhythmic memory is children's minds.

Purpose- The primary purpose of the book is to entertain the audience. There is lots of graphology that would appeal to the audience as would draw their eye and make them enjoy reading. The secondary purpose is to teach; the writer wants the audience to be able to establish colours so has put them in a bold font.

Format/Layout- The colours of the book are all very feminine. The colours link to the bold words. There are stars and sparkles to reinforce the theme of fantasy. The imagery is simple and not detailed as the audience want basic images to tell the story not detailed graphics.

Has the gender of the audience or producer influence the text?

 I think that the gender of the audience has influenced this text because the language used is very elegant and soft, e.g. 'fluttering' and 'fabulous' and would be associated with females.

Text 7: NHS Dental Poster

Audience- For this advertisement there are two audiences. the first audience would be parents because the advert says 'for your children'. The information would be read my parents also if they were interested in the advert. They are ultimately the target audience as they will be using the service offered. The second audience would be children as the poster features young kids, large images and props that would draw children in.

Purpose- There is a dual purpose for this poster. The primary purpose would be to persuade the parents to use the service offered by the NHS because that is what the advert is mainly about. The secondary purpose would be to inform because the information at the bottom would let the audience know why the service is available and more about it. There are also contact details as well to reinforce this purpose.

Format/Layout- The colours of the text box and heading are the same colours as the NHS logo. The black writing is the important information. The images used are children who are eating lollipops. Although the lollipops are delicious, as we can see by the expression on the children's faces, the effects of it are shown in the teeth which can put child viewers off the sweets. The text for 'rotten' is black and decaying with pieces of the letter missing to reflect the sweet on teeth and how they will also turn rotten. 

Gender?- There is no gender related factors about the advertisement as both a girl and boy are featured.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Text 6: Terry's Chocolate Orange Advert
Audience- Anybody! The advert includes scenarios and situations that can relate to anybody. The text 'smash it to pieces' and 'love it to bits' however, may be a pun not understood my a younger audience.

Purpose- The primary purpose is to persuade people to buy the product, they have a relatable advert for a loved product and want to raise awareness of it. The secondary purpose is to entertain the customer; the advert is amusing and fun.

Format/Layout- The music is a fun piece of music so the you can tell the advert isn't serious and no dialogue is used to communicate the product idea/message. The colour of the text at the end is the orange used in the chocolate logo to set a brand image in the viewers head. The text is bold and easy to read. It appears chronologically on the screen so that the audience can understand the pun and have time to read it.

Text 5: Army Advert

Audience- Adults, the army wouldn't be targeting younger children in education but instead to older people looking for jobs or people who understand and want to support the ideas of the army. The word 'territorial' may be aimed towards males because males are known for wanting ownership and to take charge of situations. Males are also competitive so want to 'be the best'. The fact that the poster is straight to the point reflects how men often are in situations. The poster is also targeted to a specific location as the British flag is shown and people who are proud to be British.

Purpose- To promote the army and make people aware. Another purpose of the poster is to persuade people to get a job in the army as they can then 'be the best' of themselves.

Format- There is not a lot of images used so wouldn't appeal to children. The size of the writing reflects the importance of each heading; 'ARMY' is the title and is what the poster is about so is the largest. 'BE THE BEST' is the slogan so is the second largest and 'REGUALR AND TERRITORIAL' is also important so there is a box around it to suggest although the text is following the pattern of getting smaller in size, it is still important so needs a box to draw attention. The text is white next to the black background which reinforces the idea of being straight to the point, its in plain black and white.

Gender related?- Yes the advert is gender reflected in the poster. The font is big and bold and the colours are plain and simple. If it were targeted towards women it would need to be more appealing and have details and more light text instead of it being sharp and snappy.