Sunday, 22 September 2013

Galaxy/The Devil Wears Prada Magazine Advert

The text implies that it is produced for adult women. This is because the context of the film that is advertised is aimed at women. 'Prada' is a well-known fashion company that women would take an interest in. The graphology also contributes to the target market. The high heel shoe, luxurious colours and background create a feminine image. The text has a dual purpose to persuade as its primary purpose and to inform as its secondary purpose. The text persuades the audience to buy the Galaxy product because there is a prize to be one. 'WIN!' is centred in the middle of the page to draw the eye in and the competition offer will make customers want to buy the product. By linking the two topics together, a joint awareness for the product is created, persuading the audience to see the film, and to buy the product. The product informs the reader by stating the date of the film release and facts about the competition. The advert is computer produced as it looks very professional and although it isn't a recent advert now, at the time it would have been because of the competition dates and the limited time promotion. The advert will be seen by magazine readers.

The text is a formal register because if the complex words used like 'indulgent' and by the appearance and purpose of the advert. Lexical fields such as 'indulgent' create an image for the product and 'devilishly' implies the product is too good to resist, as well as linking with the topic.

The text is written in the present tense to let the viewer know that the advert is promoting a current topic.

There is an implicit meaning to the text which is the target audience. The graphology and the feminine words used don't directly address the market as being females but it is an obvious relation.

The discourse structure of the text is organised as headings then smaller texts. This effects the reader because they are drawn into the larger more attractive texts which stand out and then it will encourage reading the smaller texts.

The graphology helps to reinforce the purposes of the text. The images draw the eye of the reader to persuade them to be aware of the product. The 'luxurious' fonts and smooth background effect with the prongs of the heel digging in to it, captures the context of both topics in one advert.


  1. A systematic response Rachel, which demonstrates a growing lingusitic knowledge base. Your comment on implicit mening is not clear- can you explain your point in more detail?

  2. The implicit meaning is that the advert is targeted towards women. This is not made directly clear as it doesn't state that it is but from the graphology used, e.g. the stiletto shoe, the colours, the new York shopping trip, the advert hints that the audience is women.

  3. Good - I also think phrases like "devilishly indulgent trips" show a move towards the sophistication or overt prestige that women perhaps often get targeted with!
