Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Text 8: Children's Storybook

Audience- The target audience is probably young children who are girls. The book itself is about fairies which would be appealing to this gender and age group. The text is very simple and so would be for an early ready. The text uses alliteration when describing the fairies and their movements 'fabulous fairies' and 'frantic fanning' are used to create a rhythmic memory is children's minds.

Purpose- The primary purpose of the book is to entertain the audience. There is lots of graphology that would appeal to the audience as would draw their eye and make them enjoy reading. The secondary purpose is to teach; the writer wants the audience to be able to establish colours so has put them in a bold font.

Format/Layout- The colours of the book are all very feminine. The colours link to the bold words. There are stars and sparkles to reinforce the theme of fantasy. The imagery is simple and not detailed as the audience want basic images to tell the story not detailed graphics.

Has the gender of the audience or producer influence the text?

 I think that the gender of the audience has influenced this text because the language used is very elegant and soft, e.g. 'fluttering' and 'fabulous' and would be associated with females.

1 comment:

  1. Good entry - I'm glad you picked up on the alliteration/rhyme and the way that the graphology reinforces the text's overall message.
